Ms. & Mrs. U.S. Woman of Achievement
for the US or International WOA Pageant
“We are here to hear”
The mission of Woman of Achievement is to recognize & develop women leaders in their communities. We host two signature events for women: The International Woman of Achievement Leadership Weekend inviting women from cultures worldwide to present women’s issues, perform and/or speak while meeting and networking with other outstanding women. The second event, our U.S. National event is the Ms. & Mrs. U.S. Woman of Achievement Pageant which is a three-day leadership pageant weekend where women can present their platform work, interview and compete for the titles of Mrs. U.S. WOA and Ms. U.S. WOA. All events culminate in various awards including cash grants to women with community service, excellence in public speaking, or excellence in academic achievement & the arts.
Media & Certifications
What is Woman of Achievement?
We Acknowledge The Beauty In Service, Self-Development And Education Among Today’s Modern Woman Through Leadership Events And Pageantry To Award Women For Their Life’s Work.
Marlena Martin
CEO – Woman of Achievement
NOTE: Per pageant industry standards, there are no pageant refunds but your fees can be applied to a suitable replacement, you can choose to represent your state but not attend Nationals, or apply your fees to the next year’s competition.
Nominate a Woman of Achievement
We are currently accepting applications for contestants to represent U.S. STATES (and regions) at large. To apply to represent your STATE at the National Competition APPLY NOW! Your application will be reviewed by our selection committee, who will extend an invitation to the most qualified applicant to become an official state titleholder. If selected, you will have 72 hours to officially accept the title by turning in the required official paperwork, and sending your entry deposit and headshot before your title is offered to your state’s runner up.

US National Platform Winners

Suicide Prevention
Suzie Freeman
Mrs. Elite Arizona

Dr. Tola Top Platform Winner Award
Johanna Godinez-Nash
Mrs. Puerto Rico
Yoga & Overall Healthy Lifestyle

Defeating Infant and Maternal Mortality
Tomesha Walker
Mrs. Elite Ohio

Resurgence After Trauma
Sandrian Campbell
Mrs. New York

Patriotism & Gratitude
Brittanie Ngo
Ms. Elite California

The Power of Fragrance
Sue Phillips
Ms. Elite New York

2nd Place Platform Cash Winner
Denise Valdivia
Ms. West Coast
STARS – Childhood Abuse Victim to Victor

GOLD CIRCLE Top Platform Cash Winner
Jennette Vanderpool
Mrs. California “Mariposa Women’s Center” Domestic Violence Awareness

3rd Place Platform Cash Winner
Andrea Binley Murray
Mrs. Elite Southern California
Joel Cascadden Scholarship Fund
“Careers in Fire Safety”

Platform Winner
Kristina Gallias
Ms. Southern California “His Little Feet”

Her Excellency
Dr. Nephetina L. Serrano
Woman of Achievement
U.S. Ambassador Queen 2022
Platform Winner
Marriages In Crisis

Platform Winner
Tammorra Golder
Mrs. Elite Indiana
“The Prodigal’s Return”
By women
for women.
Apply to be a State
or International Delegate
We want to hear your story:
Delegates 60 and over who wish to represent their country and cultural heritage at INTERNATIONALS in September: $250 plus $895 which includes ad page and full weekend activities.
Delegates 60 and over who wish to represent their STATE at U.S. Nationals: $200 Title Reserve, $795 Entry which includes color ad in the program book, official Coronation Luncheon, Workshops and Networking events.
While it is your choice to enter a lower age division (if you are in reasonable “range” of that division) consider the risk in competition factors as it typically puts you at a disadvantage rather than advantage.
November 21-24, 2024